CY - City of Ypsilanti
CY stands for City of Ypsilanti
Here you will find, what does CY stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate City of Ypsilanti? City of Ypsilanti can be abbreviated as CY What does CY stand for? CY stands for City of Ypsilanti. What does City of Ypsilanti mean?City of Ypsilanti is an expansion of CY
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Alternative definitions of CY
View 61 other definitions of CY on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CRB Cancer Research and Biostatistics
- CDCSS California Department of Child Support Services
- CMC Capel Manor College
- CERI Central Electrochemical Research Institute
- CMCC Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
- CIP Commercial and Industrial Property
- CML Cook Memorial Library
- CHMG City of Hope Medical Group
- CLC Casa de Las Campanas
- CG Campaigns and Grey
- CAWC Community Action of Washington County
- CRL Concrete Repairs Limited
- CBRK Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo
- CSI Consulting Services Incorporated
- CF City of Fridley
- CWL Christy Webber Landscapes
- CCC Calgary Counselling Centre
- CPB Central Piedra Buena
- CBS Carte Blanche Solutions
- CIACIA C.I.A. Colorado Investigative Agency